February 6, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
Applying concepts of productivity to simply work more is missing the point.
Tonight I delivered a presentation at Ignite Baltimore that addressed applying concepts in productivity to make for a happier life.
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, Business, Happiness, Productivity, Social Media, Technology, Tools I Use
February 4, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
When you enjoy and are good at a lot of stuff, it’s easy to take on many things…but difficult to truly kick ass at one.
If you have a web browser or a newspaper it’s hard not to notice just how much further along some people are than you…at least in some way. Inspiring at times, it can also be depressing.
Well, I’m tired of this. And I have an idea.
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Filed under: Business, Happiness, Productivity
January 8, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
Radical change does not happen every day, but when it comes to your influences and relationships, it’s easier than you think.
If you’re like me, much of your information comes from the web, and you choose who to subscribe to. And if you’ve been online for a while, there’s a good chance that those you paid attention to way back when are less relevant to who you are today.
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, Business, Happiness, Productivity, Technology
January 5, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
It’s January 5th, the first day everyone’s back to work. This is a short post to help get through the overwhelming expectations of a new year.
Nothing happens over night, but things will happen today, and tomorrow, and the day after that. It’s time for less macro-thought and more micro-focus, so that we can live up to those high hopes.
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Filed under: Business, Happiness, Productivity
January 1, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
Much of life is planting seeds: investing your time in people and projects. Then, lo and behold, your labor may produce fruit. So now what?
For me, the last few years were full of planting and building. Now, I have to ensure the work was not for naught; my theme for 2009 is impact.
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Filed under: Business, Happiness, Productivity
December 29, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
This is an entry about me. About a year of change as well as growth, and about what I’ve learned.
I’m going to explore what expectations were met and what themes reoccurred. Thank you again for your time.
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, Business, Happiness, Productivity
December 23, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Sometimes we hold priorities too high, and we miss out on much of life’s enjoyment. Photography is one way that I’ve been able to open my eyes.
The following is a combined “why photography?” and a brief guide to what I’ve found helpful both for equipment (my camera, bag, etc) and education.
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Filed under: Happiness, Tools I Use
December 15, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
When you’re making a decision, especially an important one, there are often ‘necessary evils’ as part of the equation. On the one hand, the ‘evil’ may sound like a ‘cost of doing business,’ but it may be more serious than that.
Perhaps you should strongly consider just how ‘necessary’ the ‘evil’ is.
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, Happiness
November 27, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
I’ve eaten too much. The wine hath overflowed. But the lesson is not lost: there’s a lot to be grateful for.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but it’s not really my holiday. And it’s not yours; well, unless you bring others in…
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Filed under: Happiness, Netiquette, Social Media
November 18, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
It’s time for a break from focus. I’ve worked too hard and it’s time for some day-dreaming. When was the last time you rewarded yourself and let your mind wander?
I’m not talking about getting lost in a social network, blah. I mean succumbing to an idea or path, and just enjoying the drift…
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Filed under: Happiness