July 6, 2012
by Jared Goralnick
RIM gets a bad rap. It set out to create the best email experience for mobile, and it did that. Unfortunately for them, smartphones now do a lot more than email.
Still, it’s worth pausing to look into what BlackBerry brought to mobile email, and to point out how iPhone and Android users can replicate some of RIM’s best features. Continue reading…
Filed under: AwayFind, Email, Mobile, Productivity, Technology, Tools I Use
December 27, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
This was a year of change. But that change wasn’t from some big events or actions, it was from patience and process.
Here’s a review of 2010—but feel free to skip to “slogging to speediness”—those changes are what got me through 2010 and may help you, too.
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Filed under: Business, Happiness, Productivity, Technology, Tools I Use
January 25, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
Happy Monday. We’re 7% through the year–are you 7% through your goals? Let’s make this happen together.
Tomorrow at 6pm EST, over 300 people will phone in to Jason Drohn and I go through the top seven productivity killers—and offer solutions. It’s free, too.
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Filed under: Business, Productivity, Technology, Tools I Use
December 9, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
Conventional wisdom is if you want something done fast, you’re going to pay a premium. Or that if things are rushed, quality suffers. But in a product business, time is the most expensive and dangerous enemy.
There is a time to sprint, and not just because you want to work harder. Consider this:
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Filed under: AwayFind, Business, Startups, Technology
September 24, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
This summer, Cutter Benchmark Review invited me to create a workplace productivity survey with Joe Feller. We were able to collect some interesting data and publish our analysis of it.
Normally $50, I’m able to offer both mine and Joe’s analysis, along with the survey results, as a free PDF to Technotheory readers. Read on for a couple snippets and a link to download the full article.
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Filed under: Business, Email, Productivity, Social Media, Technology
July 1, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
Why does it take less time to find something on the web than on your hard drive?
It’s because the internet has no order, but we’d like to think we do. Guess again: using an orderly approach to storing and retrieving is similar to paying full price for airline tickets: it made sense twenty year ago but is a costly decision today.
Here’s how to file and find things in the next decade.
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Filed under: Email, Outlook, Productivity, Technology
June 16, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
After a few days at a conference focused on project management, I no longer think I’ve got it bad: I met someone last night who receives over 1000 emails every day.
Fortunately there are still people fighting the good fight. The following are clips about the current state of information overload, as well as possibilities for the future. And don’t miss the Information Overload Research Group’s upcoming conference in September!
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Filed under: Productivity, Technology
June 8, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
I haven’t blogged lately because I’ve overcommitted. When I figure out how to say “no” to more things, I’ll be sure to write about that. But I have figured out how to make better use of the time I do spend working and relaxing.
The following is a video of me from WordCamp Mid-Atlantic talking about both productivity at work and balance in life. Though the presentation was initially geared toward blogging, there are 13 minutes I’ve highlighted that I hope you’ll enjoy.
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, AwayFind, Business, Happiness, Productivity, Social Media, Technology
May 17, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
Gmail has a series of optional features called Gmail Labs. If you’re a Gmail user, some of these can add serious time to your day.
If you want to get yourself out of trouble and be more efficient in Gmail, installing these takes about 60 seconds.
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Filed under: Business, Email, Productivity, Technology, Tools I Use
May 5, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
The first Bootstrap Maryland conference was a success! Over 200 people spent their Saturday discussing how to build and market a young business. Their enthusiasm and acuity were electrifying.
The following are some of the key points that came up in the sessions.
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Filed under: Business, DC Tech Community, Social Media, Technology