This week I published an article on Lifehacker about a fantastic blogging tool: Windows Live Writer. I covered the why, the how, the tips, and the recently released new features.
Today I’m attending BlogPotomac, where many DC area bloggers, social media stars, and geeks will gather in the illusion that the rest of the world is like them to share insights with one other.
For those visiting from BlogPotomac, I hope you’ll get to know me as the guy who wants to save you some time. If you’re not a blogger then try this.
Read the Windows Live Writer tips, tweaks, and updates article on Lifehacker…or check out my other social media tips.

You should really subscribe to Technotheory via email or rss.
Wow, shows how much attention I was paying when I read that article in my reader. Congrats on getting posted on Lifehacker!