Archive for the ‘Productivity’ Category

Little bit of productivity, great bit of happiness

February 6, 2009 by Jared Goralnick

Suzanne and I, 1985 Applying concepts of productivity to simply work more is missing the point.

Tonight I delivered a presentation at Ignite Baltimore that addressed applying concepts in productivity to make for a happier life.

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On themes, jealousy, and focus

February 4, 2009 by Jared Goralnick

Jared Goralnick, Madison When you enjoy and are good at a lot of stuff, it’s easy to take on many things…but difficult to truly kick ass at one.

If you have a web browser or a newspaper it’s hard not to notice just how much further along some people are than you…at least in some way.  Inspiring at times, it can also be depressing.

Well, I’m tired of this.  And I have an idea.

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A resolution to consider: ask more questions and meet more success

February 2, 2009 by Jared Goralnick

image You’re important.  You’re smart.  But you don’t know what you’re doing.

And that’s okay.  Because you can find out how to do things right pretty fast.  And I don’t mean by opening your web browser.  How about asking the person you’re working with?

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“The company you keep” part 2: forcing success upon yourself

January 12, 2009 by Jared Goralnick

Gary Vaynerchuk & Loic Le Meur, two sources of inspiration I’ve talked a great deal about the effects of surrounding yourself with people who are where you’d like to be, who are experts, and who you respect.

Now here’s the trick: use those friendships to force yourself to be accountable, and ultimately successful.

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Switch up your influences & build relationships: blogs to cut & add in 2009

January 8, 2009 by Jared Goralnick

Newspaper stands in Cambridge, MA (flickr: wili_hybrid) Radical change does not happen every day, but when it comes to your influences and relationships, it’s easier than you think.

If you’re like me, much of your information comes from the web, and you choose who to subscribe to.  And if you’ve been online for a while, there’s a good chance that those you paid attention to way back when are less relevant to who you are today.

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How to get to work, now. And some inspiration from Mr. Murakami.

January 5, 2009 by Jared Goralnick

Sit back and start the year right (oh, and a cup of what looks like coffee) It’s January 5th, the first day everyone’s back to work.  This is a short post to help get through the overwhelming expectations of a new year.

Nothing happens over night, but things will happen today, and tomorrow, and the day after that.  It’s time for less macro-thought and more micro-focus, so that we can live up to those high hopes.

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One word for 2009: Impact. What’s your theme for the New Year?

January 1, 2009 by Jared Goralnick

Water dropletMuch of life is planting seeds: investing your time in people and projects.  Then, lo and behold, your labor may produce fruit. So now what?

For me, the last few years were full of planting and building.  Now, I have to ensure the work was not for naught; my theme for 2009 is impact.

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Looking back before looking ahead: surprises and lessons learned from 2008

December 29, 2008 by Jared Goralnick

Some things are in focus for my dog, Dagny This is an entry about me.  About a year of change as well as growth, and about what I’ve learned.

I’m going to explore what expectations were met and what themes reoccurred.  Thank you again for your time.

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Why and how to become an entrepreneur, a presentation from John Buckman at Le Web 2008

December 10, 2008 by Jared Goralnick

John Buckman presenting at Le webJohn Buckman of Magnatune presented some of the most practical advice I’ve come across on how to become an entrepreneur and get started in business.  He presented this just a few minutes ago at Le Web 2008.

The following are the slides (and now video!) from his presentation and some of my general thoughts around it.

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Godin’s “high cost of now” – how being a little behind can save you a great deal

December 4, 2008 by Jared Goralnick

image How much does it cost you to stay current…with your email, with the news, with your industry?  Today Seth Godin explained just how expensive it is.

And I want to reiterate the point.

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