You’re important. You’re smart. But you don’t know what you’re doing.
And that’s okay. Because you can find out how to do things right pretty fast. And I don’t mean by opening your web browser. How about asking the person you’re working with?
This may not be aimed at you, but for a while now I’ve been noting the things that could’ve gone right had a simple question been asked early on. Confidence may be good, but the “confidence” to act under ignorance is just plain stupidity. When people just ask a clarifying question then everyone will be happy, plus those doing the work will spend less time and deliver more quality.
Don’t do what’s necessary to not screw up, do what’s necessary to get the best possible result for everyone. More on this in the video below.
Any questions? ;-)
Two other tidbits:
- I have been working on several articles in response to the What can I do for you? article and will hopefully start getting some up here
- I’m still experimenting with video and will be trying a number of different sites, compressions, etc. I want to do this right…and there are a surprising number of options. I welcome your suggestions (I know I need better lighting)
Flickr photo credit: Dano

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