January 4, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
Last year I suggested we should choose just one word and label it a theme for the year ahead. I reported back on that theme last week.
This year is a similar theme, but it comes from a very different basis—the word is swim. I’ll explain after the jump…
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Filed under: AwayFind, Business, Happiness, Productivity, Startups
November 10, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
From time to time we need to re-evaluate what fills our days and question if we’re being consistent with who we are…or who we want to be.
This is a brief overview of why and how to quickly identify and minimize dissonance. Skip to the end for the quick exercise.
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Filed under: Happiness, Productivity
September 24, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
This summer, Cutter Benchmark Review invited me to create a workplace productivity survey with Joe Feller. We were able to collect some interesting data and publish our analysis of it.
Normally $50, I’m able to offer both mine and Joe’s analysis, along with the survey results, as a free PDF to Technotheory readers. Read on for a couple snippets and a link to download the full article.
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Filed under: Business, Email, Productivity, Social Media, Technology
August 12, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
Being in a very different time zone than my team and clients this summer, it becomes clear who gets things done and who is suited for government work*.
Of which sort are you? It’s easy to fall into the government camp from time to time, so this is a quick reminder of how much you can do on your own.
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Filed under: Business, Productivity
July 28, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
There are few expressions I’ve picked up as quickly as “low hanging fruit”—such a simple and expressive analogy. And yet, it stinks.
All tasks are not created equal. Those easiest to complete often deserve to be most avoided.
What should we work on first?
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Filed under: Happiness, Productivity
July 19, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
For two weeks, I’ve only had cold showers. I think I’m better for the experience: they’ve become a symbol for just how easy it is to get through things I don’t look forward to.
Here are a few quick lessons learned from this.
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Filed under: Happiness, Productivity
July 12, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
Is it too much stuff, or a lack of focus and clarity that keeps us working late? If you started over at a completely different job, would you have the same frustrations?
The question is one of nature vs. nurture in our productivity: are our delays or inefficiencies a product of our times or of ourselves?
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Filed under: Productivity
July 1, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
Why does it take less time to find something on the web than on your hard drive?
It’s because the internet has no order, but we’d like to think we do. Guess again: using an orderly approach to storing and retrieving is similar to paying full price for airline tickets: it made sense twenty year ago but is a costly decision today.
Here’s how to file and find things in the next decade.
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Filed under: Email, Outlook, Productivity, Technology
June 16, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
After a few days at a conference focused on project management, I no longer think I’ve got it bad: I met someone last night who receives over 1000 emails every day.
Fortunately there are still people fighting the good fight. The following are clips about the current state of information overload, as well as possibilities for the future. And don’t miss the Information Overload Research Group’s upcoming conference in September!
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Filed under: Productivity, Technology
June 8, 2009
by Jared Goralnick
I haven’t blogged lately because I’ve overcommitted. When I figure out how to say “no” to more things, I’ll be sure to write about that. But I have figured out how to make better use of the time I do spend working and relaxing.
The following is a video of me from WordCamp Mid-Atlantic talking about both productivity at work and balance in life. Though the presentation was initially geared toward blogging, there are 13 minutes I’ve highlighted that I hope you’ll enjoy.
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, AwayFind, Business, Happiness, Productivity, Social Media, Technology