July 28, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Study after study comes out “proving” how overloaded we are with information. I’ve added fuel to that fire here, for sure.
Gina Trapani, Editor of Lifehacker and friend, took a step back and asked for a reality check. Here’s my take on how we should apply this “data” about our productivity.
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Filed under: Business, Productivity
July 23, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
The headline’s not meant to sound exotic. The surprise for me was how much I’ve relied on technology and the web to plan the trip I’m now on. I want to share some quick tips that have been surprisingly effective.
If you plan to travel domestically or abroad, I hope this will save you some money and help you travel lighter…while still staying connected (if you’d like). If you have other tips to share, I’d enjoy them, too!
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Filed under: Business, Mobile, Productivity, Tools I Use
July 18, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
I’m frequently asked if I prefer Gmail or Outlook Exchange, but I happily use both. Today I posted a thorough comparison on Lifehacker, but the following is how and why I use both.
Not only will this explain how I use Gmail and Outlook, but it’ll describe a fair amount of my workflow with email and social media.
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Filed under: Business, Email, Productivity, Social Media, Technology, Tools I Use
July 17, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
I’m overwhelmed with ideas from the Information Overload conference this week. In an effort to reflect, I’ve listed some of the major stats and themes discussed for managing too much stuff.
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Filed under: Business, Productivity, Technology
July 10, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Above you’ll find a video from Jonny’s Partay, where I was interviewed on Wednesday, July 9 at 9pm.
There’s a bit of talk about AwayFind, some news about DC, and of course much of what I’ve been up to. From lifehacks to batching email to mobility and travel, hopefully this’ll keep you entertained.
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Filed under: AwayFind, Business, DC Tech Community, Email, Mobile, Productivity, Social Media, Technology
July 7, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
It pains me to see good people getting bad advice when it comes to technology. Culprits include horrible websites, custom software that shouldn’t be written, and IT vendors treating technology like an out-of-reach and separate world than their clients’.
The influencers who spread outdated, expensive, and erroneous information should get a clue or quit their jobs–because they’re not helping anyone.
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Filed under: Business, Technology
June 30, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
I’m getting mighty sick of events restricting the use of presentations just because some people suck with PowerPoint. Visuals add a great deal to speeches, and it’s not that difficult to use them more effectively.
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Filed under: Business, Design, Technology
June 26, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
It’s a waste of your time and mine to post notes after every talk I give on social media. So I’ve created a comprehensive guide that I’ll try to keep updated. It’s called Getting Started with Social Media – A Guide and Resource List.
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Filed under: Business, Social Media
June 9, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Whether it’s building a business relationship, following their advice, or seeking inspiration, it helps to know who’s “made it” in your field.
In asking around amongst friends, it seems they don’t know The Experts, or consider them well out of reach…not realizing that these people serve as both role models and character foils to the careers they’re building.
So here are some ideas around finding and, perhaps, getting to know The Experts.
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, Business
June 2, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
I make a lot of mistakes; here are a couple of which many of us can be guilty–talking instead of saying thank you, and failing to reciprocate in conversation.
Sometimes biting our tongue or better involving the other person would’ve been the wiser choice. So by way of two stories from the TECH cocktail Conference last week, I offer up my follies for your benefit.
I’m wrestling with whether or not this is a technology/productivity topic, but I believe lessons in behavior are even more relevant online–where your activities can be seen by thousands of people, and accessed years later. Now, onto the stories… Continue reading…
Filed under: Business, Happiness, Netiquette