DC Startup Weekend is almost over, but our launch is just underway. Over seventy passionate and talented people have come to one place to build a web application and a business over the course of fifty-four hours. That web application, which we had never even discussed or planned to work on prior, became HolaNeighbor.
Update, my photos are now up on Flickr.
We voted on an idea. We composed a business plan, architected a user experience, designed a beautiful website, developed a very-involved web application…and put it all together. Many of us didn’t know anyone, but after a little bit of a rocky start, the chemistry, cohesion, and excitement of our product launch paralleled that of any other. Maybe we rushed a little, but that was par for the course.
I’ve always felt the best way to meet people is in a setting where you can really offer your best, so they can learn what you bring to the table while contributing to something meaningful. Startup Weekend accomplished that, and accelerated the process of building some great relationships.If you’re curious about HolaNeighbor, here’s some more information from a press release:
HolaNeighbor.com, a Web site that allows communities of neighbors to connect with each other, has planned, built and deployed a complete and fully-functional product in only 54 hours. Executed by a group of seventy, many of which had just met on the first night of the event, this initiative unites tech and business talent across the DC-metro area in a way never attempted on such a scale.
In addition to connecting neighbors with each other, HolaNeighbor.com allows for communities to exchange information, share upcoming events, request services, and provide insights into the current state of the community, such as crime reports and neighborhood watch.
We’re having a launch party next weekend. Regardless of where things head, it’s been an incredible experience. Well, it’s only 10pm–I have 2 more hours before I have to help pitch this to a VC…

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