January 18, 2011
by Jared Goralnick
By now, many resolutions have been broken. Radical change is difficult, and it doesn’t happen overnight.
But there is a reliable process for building the right habits. In The 4-Hour Body, Tim Ferriss pulls from lifehacking and game mechanics to break it down.
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, Happiness, Productivity, Tools I Use
January 11, 2011
by Jared Goralnick
I hadn’t thought too hard about community until the recent round of “local tech pride” websites started popping up. Fred Wilson popularized the topic and soon came Proudly Made in DC and BaltimoreTech.net.
For a time I wasn’t sure where I belonged…and then I realized that I could choose my community regardless of location. Maybe if we all worried less whether our needs were fulfilled nearby, we’d see just how much we can be part of, and that there are no walls or beltways to stop us.
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Filed under: Business, DC Tech Community, Startups
January 4, 2011
by Jared Goralnick
That world-changing goal is right in front of you–on your calendar, in your tasks, on your mind. But it’s not happening.
There are hundreds of reasons to hesitate on creating it, shipping it, or reaching out to the person who will make a difference. But one reason in particular that I hope to work on in 2011 is showing up. Here’s how.
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Filed under: Happiness, Productivity
December 27, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
This was a year of change. But that change wasn’t from some big events or actions, it was from patience and process.
Here’s a review of 2010—but feel free to skip to “slogging to speediness”—those changes are what got me through 2010 and may help you, too.
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Filed under: Business, Happiness, Productivity, Technology, Tools I Use
December 13, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
Last week it wasn’t just the AwayFind application that came out of beta, it was the whole company. Entrepreneurs hear all the time that it’s all about team, so we have intelligent responses about how our team is perfect for the job. But it’s usually not.
Don’t fire your team after reading this, but do consider how to get to a better place. Growing (with) your team is as important as building your product.
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Filed under: AwayFind, Business, Startups
September 21, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
So many have asked me what I think of my move to San Francisco. I may as well share.
Shifting location is a way to reinvent the way you spend your time. And we all need to think about reinventing our days. Location’s just one part of it.
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Filed under: Happiness, San Francisco
July 26, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
I had to make a choice. If you’ve known me the past couple years, you’d have seen that I’ve spent a lot of time away, and that I’ve been doing two different jobs. Well, instead of living a second life, I’ve opted for some changes.
As of July 17, SET Consulting has a new owner. As of August 30, I’ll have a new city. (this logo above is SET’s original 2002 logo…) Continue reading…
Filed under: DC Tech Community, Happiness, Startups
May 12, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
Momentum is inevitable. You wake up one more morning the product of the months before it, and the previous “you” seems like a specter of years ago.
Sometimes you have to pause to examine both your position and your velocity. It’s time for three important questions.
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Filed under: AwayFind, Business, Happiness, Productivity
March 11, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
SXSW is one of my favorite annual events. But while the panels are good, it’s really about the people.
I’m moderating a session on Friday, organizing runs every day at 8, and generally have time between a bunch of things. I want to meet you!
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Filed under: Business, Happiness
March 7, 2010
by Jared Goralnick
It’s difficult to define progress when surrounded by uncertainty. Without a clear picture of progress, it’s challenging to focus and move ahead.
A lot of work-life, at least for me lately, is uncertainty. I’ve begun to accept that it’s a matter of perspective. I’ll explain how I get there, hopefully it can help you, too.
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Filed under: Happiness, Productivity