May 29, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Today I’m presenting at the TECH cocktail Conference in Chicago, and the following is a guide to the timesaving material that will be discussed.
Whether you’re viewing this from the conference or just stopping by from elsewhere, I hope this will serve as a resource for:
- Time-saving software tools
- Tweaks to win back time from popular applications
- Techniques for manufacturing time every day
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, Business, Productivity, Social Media, Technology
May 28, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Everyone’s talking about you. Are you paying attention? If you’re a newbie this is a good starting point, and If you’re familiar with this stuff, just skip to the new part.
I’ll frame this in the context of searching both about you and your company.
There are many services out there, but I’ll focus on free ones you can set up and then forget about. I’ll also offer some ideas for what to search for.
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Filed under: Business, Social Media, Technology, Tools I Use
May 19, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Some books feel like they’ll never end, but they all have a last page. The web never ends. Finality is elusive when there’s always another link to click and mailbox to check. And the more social and prolific you become, the worse the predicament.
Today I want to offer you some limits–some that have helped me and others with which I still struggle. Monitors may get lighter and cheaper every year, but the weight and toll of the backlit universe they materialize has grown out of control. It’s time to get away.
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Filed under: Happiness, Productivity, Social Media, Technology
May 15, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
A couple years ago most people stopped emailing chain letters and jokes. The people I’d fallen out of touch with never sent job listings. But now social networking has brought us a whole new generation of spam.
A word to the wise: just because I accept your friend invitation doesn’t mean that you should bug me with junk you’d never have emailed. Networks may make it easier to message people, but please show a little restraint.
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Filed under: Email, Social Media, Technology
May 12, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
The only thing that bothers me more than unprofessional email is the junk that people write in them when they’re reaching out to me. So I’m going to address how to write a professional email to someone you have little or no relationship with.
Those who follow half these rules will get a prompt personal response from me–and they’ve always worked for me. So read on, give it a shot, and maybe you’ll land that new client/job/hottie you’ve had your eye on.
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Filed under: Business, Email, Netiquette, Social Media, Technology
May 5, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Keeping in touch isn’t good enough. Social media improves the quantity of connections but not necessarily the quality of relationships. So how do you build a real friendship with people you don’t see regularly?
You create presence. This concept has long helped me in romantic relationships but it’s equally relevant with friends and colleagues. I want to address this for three reasons:
- I see people using social media as a replacement for other forms of relationship building. It is a vehicle for keeping in touch, not a destination
- Keeping in touch is different than presence–both easier and more difficult
- I’ve just returned from the School of Blogging Conference and I want to hold onto some of those folks (#sobcon08)
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Filed under: Business, Happiness, Social Media, Technology
April 30, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
This weekend’s School of Blogging Conference in Chicago will be very productive; after all, there’ll be many there who write about personal growth and productivity. I’m anxious to see how everyone does at practicing what they preach.
Below are some great articles by each of these excellent writers (so if you’re not attending, check them out!), an open invitation to get together with them and others in Chicago, and a nifty map for those who are attending.
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Filed under: Productivity, Social Media
April 28, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Social media rockstar Chris Brogan suggested that we spend more time today reading and commenting online. I sometimes feel like I don’t link enough to other sites I enjoy, so I’m going to combine those two ideas and let you know about some great posts I’ve come across and commented on lately. They range from productivity to self-growth, and from social media to springtime…
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Filed under: Productivity, Social Media
April 21, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Social networking and blogging can feel like a high school cafeteria, full of cliques and at-times silly symbols of popularity. But unlike high school, there are always more people to win over and stages to advance.
Take a step away from the contests and consider applying the lessons you’ve learned in the real world to build deeper relationships online.
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Filed under: Happiness, Social Media
April 17, 2008
by Jared Goralnick
Actually it’s curiosity that prevented him from ever becoming one. There are formulas, many formulas for spreading your message or building a personal brand online. These formulas actually work, but not if you let curiosity be the death of you first. Here you’ll find advice on spending your time a little more wisely on the internet so that you find your formula and stick with it.
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Filed under: 4-Hour Workweek, Business, Happiness, Productivity, Social Media