Batching is the main reason I get anything done…and the principle that underlies AwayFind (the application I’ve been building for the past six months). Darren Rowse wrote an excellent article on that topic today and I highly recommend checking it out.
Darren is one of the most respected and widely-read bloggers, literally writing the book on how to blog for money. He’s got a lot of responsibilities and batching has been his solution. He writes of his old life:
A typical day would see me checking email 30 times a day, moderating comments as they hit my inbox, being interrupted by IM throughout the day, reading RSS when I remembered to do it between using social media sites and writing extra blog posts. The result was that my inbox had over 10,000 unread emails, I never cleared my RSS Reader and that I would get to the end of most days feeling like a nervous wreck.
And then just yesterday he kept track of the work of he accomplished. He…
- Researched & Wrote 5 blog posts (2500 words) – Planned a future series – Edited 3 guest posts
- Moderated 150 comments (Lara did the rest)
- Read 300 emails – replied to and wrote 50 emails
- Twittered 30+ times (including private messages) – Plurked 50+ times
- Participated in a b5 training chat (1 hour)
- Read (scanned) my RSS reader (600+ feeds)
- Used StumbleUpon, FriendFeed, Digg and other social media sites
- Took 4 Skype calls – IM’d around 8 others
- Oversaw the upgrade of DPS forums
- Did an email interview to promote the book – Arranged to do a radio interview later in the week
Read how he made this jump in productivity by utilizing batching…
Flickr photo credit: Uncle Ariel

You should really subscribe to Technotheory via email or rss.
Nice to see the new design is finally up… looks great!
Thanks, Emily…the big announcement will be coming soon (we just want to make sure things behave for a little while first) :-)
thanks for the link up – and I agree with Emily – looking good!
That’s Darren, folks–the busiest man in town and still has the time to respond to little bloggers like me. That’s why everyone ought to seriously check out the batching article and practice what he’s preachin’ : )
Just started exploring all these new productivity tools in hte last few months, and you’ve been unbelievably helpful, Jared. Thanks for pointing us in the right directions.
…and I’ll be yet another to agree: great new look!