I loathe reading articles about AOL’s downfall foreshadowing the death of DC’s technology scene. Last night’s event at Google DC certainly evoked within me a longing for the Valley, but there’s so much tech/entrepreneurial vibrancy here. I’d like to think that Google’s DC presence is a testament to that.
Last night’s event was put on by NetSquared DC, a group that educates while bringing together the non profit and technology sectors. We spent an hour in open discussion of the OneWorld.net web presence–and the conversation ranged from social media and Drupal to advocacy and business. There was energy, intelligence, passion. It felt right at home in the Googleplex.
I’m excited to see the way companies like Viget Labs and nclud are raising the bar of our local businesses’ web presence. The way social media outreach is taken to high levels of transparency and integrity by companies like Livingston Communications. And the way small startups and big are right at home here.
Last night I met Jake Brewer from idealist.org, as they also just opened a DC office. It’s great to see companies participate here, regardless of all the Valley talk lately. We’ve got a ways to go, but progress is being made by so many people.

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Jared – great to catch up (and play on Google’s furniture w/ you!)
Thanks for posting about Net Tuesday DC, Jared, and feel free to cross-post on the NetSquared Blog:
NetSquared’s Community Builder
Thanks for the mention, Jared. There’s a lot happening in DC whether the Post thinks so or not. We’re excited to be a part of it and looking forward to continuing to do what we can to support the web community around here.