About Jared Goralnick
Productivity guy, web geek, entrepreneur…I try to help people to use technology as a vehicle rather than an obstacle to getting stuff done.
Professionally I’m focused on solving the problem of email interruptions at AwayFind, a company I started in 2008. It was initially a side project at my productivity training/development firm, which I sold in 2010.
I founded and organize Ignite DC and Bootstrap MD, groups which promote pursuing your passion and provide startup entrepreneurship education. Recently I co-founded Inbox Love, a conference that brings together leaders in the email space, with Joshua Baer and Dave McClure. I’m also the Executive Vice President of the Information Overload Research Group, and a mentor at both Founder Institute and 500 Startups.
I speak regularly about information overload, productivity, and technology entrepreneurship. I’m very tactical and specific in my talks, stemming from running a productivity training business for eight years.
Some of my other passions are swing and blues dancing, running, and photography. I spend most of my time in San Francisco but visit my previous home in Maryland nearly monthly.
You can follow me on Twitter, find more on LinkedIn, learn about my AwayFind team, or get in touch at jared at technotheory.
Flickr credit for photo: Randy Stewart