Well, there’s finally some coverage. DC Startup Weekend and the web 2.0 startups were mentioned in Monday’s paper (The Washington Post)!
- DC Startup Weekend
- Web 2.0 Startups in the DC area
- Photos from Startup Weekend (hey, I made it into two!)
Thank you to Kendra Marr and Zachary Goldfarb for taking the time to talk to so many of us and offer a small glimpse into a community that’s thriving and energetic.
My only hope was that they might make it easier for people to latch onto some of the groups and join in–so here’s a quick mention of a places to look if you happen to be coming here from the Post:
- DC’s tech discussion forum–The DC Technology Network
- The main list of DC area events going on this week–DC Tech Events Weekly
- Some geeky stuff for non-profit people–NetSquared
- The group that gets and deserves credit for having the biggest events and starting the longest ago (well, at least so far as the new groups)–Refresh DC
My guess is that there’ll be some more technology press soon, given the New New Internet Conference on Thursday in Reston. But either way, hat’s off to so many fantastic organizers for really bringing vibrancy and stability to a community that was just dying to get started.

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